| Subphyllum: Pezizomycotina |
| | Class: Arthoniomycetes (lichens . . .) |
| | Class: Dothideomycetes |
| | | Order: Venturiales |
| | | | Family: Venturiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Apiosporina (see A. morbosa) |
| | Class: Geoglossomycetes |
| | | Order: Geoglossales |
| | | | Family: Geoglossaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Geoglossum (see G. umbratile), Hemileucoglossum (see H. alveolatum), Trichoglossum (see T. farlowii) |
| | Class: Eurotiomycetes (includes Penicillium . . . ) |
| | Class: Laboulbeniomycetes (insect parasites and others . . . ) |
| | Class: Lecanoromycetes (lichens . . . ) |
| | Class: Leotiomycetes (inoperculate Discomycetes + powdery mildews) |
| | | Order: Cyttariales |
| | | Order: Erysiphales (powdery mildews) |
| | | Order: Helotiales |
| | | | Family: Ascocorticiaceae |
| | | | Family: Dermateaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Chlorosplenium (see C. chlora) |
| | | | Family: Helicogoniaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Gelatinopsis (see G. geoglossi) |
| | | | Family: Heliotiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Hymenoscyphus (see H. fructigenus); possibly also Ascocoryne (see A. sarcoides), Bisporella (see B. citrina), Chlorociboria (see C. aeruginascens), and Ionomidotis (see I. irregularis) |
| | | | Family: Hemiphacidiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Chlorencoelia (see C. torta) |
| | | | Family: Hyaloscyphaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Lachnellula (see L. subtilissima) |
| | | | Family: Loramycetaceae |
| | | | Family: Phacidiaceae |
| | | | Family: Rustroemiaceae |
| | | | Family: Sclerotiniaceae |
| | | | Family: Vibrisseaceae |
| | | Order: Leotiales |
| | | | Family: Bulgariaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Bulgaria (see B. inquinans) |
| | | | Family: Leotiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Leotia (see L. lubrica), Microglossum (see M. viride) |
| | | Order: Rhytismatales |
| | | | Family: Ascodichaenaceae |
| | | | Family: Cudoniaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Cudonia (see C. circinans), Spathularia (see S. flavida), Spathulariopsis (see S. velutipes) |
| | | | Family: Rhytismataceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Colpoma (see C. quercinum) |
| | Class: Pezizomycetes |
| | | Order: Pezizales |
| | | | Family: Ascobolaceae |
| | | | Family: Ascodesmidaceae |
| | | | Family: Caloscyphaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Caloscypha (see C. fulgens) |
| | | | Family: Carbomycetaceae |
| | | | Family: Chorioactidaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Chorioactis (see C. geaster), Wolfina (see W. aurantiopsis) |
| | | | Family: Discinaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Gyromitra |
| | | | Family: Glaziellaceae |
| | | | Family: Helvellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Helvella (including Midotis) |
| | | | Family: Karstenellaceae |
| | | | Family: Morchellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Disciotis (see D. venosa), Morchella, Verpa (see V. bohemica) |
| | | | Family: Pezizaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Pachyella (see P. clypeata), Paragalactinia (see P. succosa), Peziza (see P. varia), Phylloscypha (see P. phyllogena), Sarcosphaera (see S. coronaria) |
| | | | Family: Pyronemataceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Aleuria (see A. aurantia), Cheilymenia (see C. stercorea), Geopora (see G. cooperi),
Geopyxis (see G. carbonaria),
Humaria (see H. hemisphaerica), Jafnea (see J. semitosta), Otidea (see O. onotica), Scutellinia (see S. scutellata), Sowerbyella (see S. rhenana), Sphaerosporella (see S. brunnea), Tarzetta (see T. bronca) |
| | | | Family: Rhizinaceae |
| | | | Family: Sarcoscyphaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Microstoma (see M. floccosum), Phillipsia (see P. domingensis), Sarcoscypha |
| | | | Family: Sarcosomataceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Galiella (see G. rufa), Urnula (see U. craterium) |
| | | | Family: Tuberaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Tuber (see T. lyonii) |
| | Class: Sordariomycetes |
| | | [Most "Pyrenomycetes," in 15 orders, 64 families, and over 1000 genera. Genera treated: Akanthomyces (see A. aculeatus), Biscogniauxia (see B. atropunctata), Camarops (see C. petersii), Cordyceps (see C. militaris), Daldinia (see D. childiae), Hypomyces, Kretzschmaria (see K. deusta), Paraisaria (see P. pseudoheteropoda), Trichoderma (see T. peltatum), Xylaria] |
| | Class: Uncertain |
| | | Order: Uncertain |
| | | | Family: Geoglossaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Geoglossum (see G. umbratile) |
| Subphyllum: Saccharomycotina (yeasts . . . ) |
| Subphyllum: Taphrinomycotina (galls, witches' brooms, Neolecta . . . ) |
Phylum: Basidiomycota |
| Subphyllum: Agaricomycotina |
| | Class: Dacrymycetes |
| | | Order: Dacrymycetales |
| | | | Family: Dacrymycetaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Calocera (see C. cornea), Dacrymyces (see D. stillatus), Dacryopinax (see D. elegans), Femsjonia (see F. peziziformis), Guepiniopsis (see G. alpina) |
| | Class: Tremellomycetes |
| | | Order: Cystofilobasidiales |
| | | | Family: Cystofilobasidiaceae |
| | | Order: Filobasidiales |
| | | | Family: Filobasidiaceae |
| | | Order: Tremellales |
| | | | Family: Carcinomycetaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Syzygospora (see S. mycetophila) |
| | | | Family: Cuniculitremaceae |
| | | | Family: Hyaloriaceae |
| | | | Family: Phaeotremellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Phaeotremella (see P. frondosa) |
| | | | Family: Phragmoxenidiaceae |
| | | | Family: Rhynchogastremataceae |
| | | | Family: Sirobasidiaceae |
| | | | Family: Tetragoniomycetaceae |
| | | | Family: Tremellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Tremella (see T. mesenterica) |
| | Class: Agaricomycetes |
| | | Order: Agaricales |
| | | | Family: Agaricaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Agaricus, Arachnion (see A. album), Battarrea (see B. phalloides), Bovista (see B. longispora), Calvatia (see C. craniiformis), Chlorophyllum (see C. molybdites), Coprinus (see C. comatus), Crucibulum (see C. laeve), Cyathus (see C. striatus), Cystoderma, Cystolepiota (see C. seminuda), Floccularia, Lepiota (see L. cristata), Leucoagaricus (see L. naucinus), Leucocoprinus (see L. birnbaumii), Lycoperdon (see L. pulcherrimum), Macrolepiota (see M. procera), Morganella (see M. pyriformis), Mycenastrum (see M. corium), Nidularia (see N. pulvinata), Podaxis (see P. longii), Ripartitella (see R. brasiliensis), Tulostoma (see T. lloydii), Vascellum (see V. curtisii) |
| | | | Family: Amanitaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Amanita, Limacella |
| | | | Family: Amylocorticiaceae |
| | | | Family: Bolbitiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Bolbitius, Conocybe, Pholiotina |
| | | | Family: Broomeiaceae |
| | | | Family: Callistosporiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Callistosporium (see C. luteo-olivaceum) |
| | | | Family: Clavariaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Clavaria (see C. vermicularis), Clavulinopsis (see C. laeticolor), Ramariopsis (see R. kunzei) |
| | | | Family: Cortinariaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Cortinarius |
| | | | Family: Cyphellaceae |
| | | | Family: Cystostereaceae |
| | | | Family: Entolomataceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Clitopilus (see C. prunulus), Entoloma, Rhodocybe (see R. mundula) |
| | | | Family: Fistulinaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Fistulina (see F. hepatica), Pseudofistulina (see P. radicata) |
| | | | Family: Gigaspermaceae |
| | | | Family: Hemigasteraceae |
| | | | Family: Hydnangiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Laccaria |
| | | | Family: Hygrophoraceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Ampulloclitocybe (see A. clavipes), Chrysomphalina (see C. chrysophylla), Cuphophyllus (see C. pratensis), Gliophorus (see G. psittacinus), Hygrocybe (see H. conica), Hygrophorus (see H. russula), Lichenomphalia (see L. umbellifera), Neohygrocybe (see N. ovina) |
| | | | Family: Inocybaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Crepidotus, Flammulaster (see F. erinaceella), Inocybe, Simocybe (see S. centunculus); possibly Panaeolus |
| | | | Family: Limnoperdaceae |
| | | | Family: Lyophyllaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Asterophora (see A. lycoperdoides), Calocybe (see C. carnea), Hypsizygus (see H. tessulatus), Lyophyllum (see L. decastes) |
| | | | Family: Marasmiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Baeospora (see B. myosura), Clitocybula (see C. abundans), Connopus (see C. acervatus), Crinipellis (see C. zonata), Gerronema (see G. strombodes), Macrocystidia (see M. cucumis), Marasmiellus (see M. candidus), Marasmius (see M. rotula), Megacollybia, Micromphale (see M. perforans), Mycetinis (see M. scorodonius), Tetrapyrgos (see T. nigripes) |
| | | | Family: Mycenaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Mycena, Panellus (see P. stipticus); possibly Xeromphalina (see X. kauffmanii) |
| | | | Family: Niaceae |
| | | | Family: Omphalotaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Gymnopus (see G. dryophilus), Omphalotus (see O. illudens), Rhodocollybia (see R. maculata). |
| | | | Family: Phelloriniaceae |
| | | | Family: Physalacriaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Armillaria, Cyptotrama (see C. asprata), Flammulina (see F. velutipes), Hymenopellis (see H. furfuracea), Paraxerula (see P. americana), Rhizomarasmius (see R. pyrrhocephalus), Rhodotus (see R. palmatus), Strobilurus (see S. lignitilis) |
| | | | Family: Pleurotaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Hohenbuehelia, Pleurotus (see P. ostreatus) |
| | | | Family: Pluteaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Pluteus, Volvariella, Volvopluteus |
| | | | Family: Psathyrellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Coprinellus (see C. disseminatus), Coprinopsis (see C. atramentaria), Lacrymaria (see L. velutina), Parasola (see P. plicatilis), Psathyrella; possibly Panaeolus |
| | | | Family: Pterulaceae |
| | | | Family: Radulomycetaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Radulomyces (see R. copelandii) |
| | | | Family: Schizophyllaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Schizophyllum (see S. commune) |
| | | | Family: Stephanosporaceae |
| | | | Family: Strophariaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Agrocybe, Cyclocybe (see C. erebia), Deconica (see D. argentina), Galerina (see G. marginata), Hebeloma, Hemipholiota (see H. populnea), Hypholoma, Kuehneromyces (see K. mutabilis), Leratiomyces (see L. ceres), Pholiota, Psilocybe (see P. strictipes), Stropharia (see S. rugosoannulata); possibly Gymnopilus |
| | | | Family: Tapinellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Tapinella (see T. panuoides) |
| | | | Family: Tricholomataceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Catathelasma, Caulorhiza (see C. umbonata), Cercopemyces (see C. crocodilinus), Clitocybe, Collybia (see C. cirrhata), Dermoloma (see D. cuneifolium), Infundibulicybe, Leucocybe (see L. candicans), Leucopaxillus, Leucopholiota, Macrocybe (see M. titans), Melanoleuca, Omphalina (see O. epichysium), Pogonoloma (see P. spinulosum), Pseudoclitocybe (see P. cyathiformis), Pseudoomphalina (see P. compressipes), Resupinatus (see R. alboniger), Rhizocybe (see R. species 01), Tricholoma |
| | | | Family: Tubariaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Tubaria |
| | | | Family: Typhulaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Macrotyphula (see M. juncea) |
| | | | Family: Uncertain |
| | | | | Genera treated: Phyllotopsis (see P. nidulans), Rickenella (see R. fibula; also possibly in Hymenochaetales), Tricholomopsis (see T. decora) |
| | | Order: Atheliales |
| | | | Family: Byssocorticiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Byssocorticium (see B. atrovirens) |
| | | Order: Auriculariales |
| | | | Family: Auriculariaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Auricularia (see A. auricula) |
| | | | Family: Exidiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Exidia (see E. glandulosa), Guepinia (see G. helvelloides) |
| | | | Family: Uncertain |
| | | | | Genera treated: Ductifera (see D. pululahuana), Pseudohydnum (see P. gelatinosum) |
| | | Order: Boletales |
| | | | Family: Boletaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Aureoboletus (see A. mirabilis), Austroboletus (see A. subflavidus), Boletellus, Boletus (see B. edulis), Bothia (see B. castanella), Buchwaldoboletus (see B. hemichrysus), Butyriboletus (see B. frostii), Caloboletus (see C. inedulis), Chalciporus (see C. piperatus), Harrya (see H. chromapes), Heimioporus, Hemileccinum (see H. subglabripes), Imleria (see I. badia), Leccinum, Phylloporus, Pseudoboletus (see P. parasiticus), Pulveroboletus (see P. ravenelii), Retiboletus (see R. ornatipes), Rubroboletus (see R. dupainii), Strobilomyces, Tylopilus, Xanthoconium (see X. purpureum), Xerocomellus (see X. chrysenteron), Xerocomus (see X. subtomentosus) |
| | | | Family: Boletinellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Boletinellus (see B. merulioides) |
| | | | Family: Coniophoraceae |
| | | | Family: Diplocystidiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Astraeus (see A. hygrometricus) |
| | | | Family: Gastrosporiaceae |
| | | | Family: Gomphidiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Chroogomphus, Gomphidius |
| | | | Family: Gyroporaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Gyroporus |
| | | | Family: Hygrophoropsidaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Hygrophoropsis (see H. aurantiaca) |
| | | | Family: Paxillaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Melanogaster (see M. broomeanus), Paragyrodon (see P. sphaerosporus), Paxillus (see P. vernalis) |
| | | | Family: Protogastraceae |
| | | | Family: Rhizopogonaceae |
| | | | Family: Sclerodermataceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Calostoma (see C. cinnabarinum), Pisolithus (see P. arenarius), Scleroderma |
| | | | Family: Serpulaceae |
| | | | Family: Suillaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Suillus |
| | | Order: Cantharellales |
| | | | Family: Aphelariaceae |
| | | | Family: Botryobasidiaceae |
| | | | Family: Cantharellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Cantharellus (see C. cibarius), Craterellus (see C. cornucopioides) |
| | | | Family: Ceratobasidiaceae |
| | | | Family: Clavulinaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Clavulina (see C. cristata) |
| | | | Family: Hydnaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Hydnum (see H. repandum) |
| | | | Family: Tulasnellaceae |
| | | Order: Corticiales |
| | | | Family: Corticiaceae |
| | | Order: Geastrales |
| | | | Family: Geastraceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Geastrum (see G. saccatum) |
| | | Order: Gloeophyllales |
| | | | Family: Gloeophyllaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Gloeophyllum (see G. sepiarium), Neolentinus (see N. lepideus) |
| | | Order: Gomphales |
| | | | Family: Clavariadelphaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Clavariadelphus (see C. unicolor) |
| | | | Family: Gomphaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Gomphus (see G. clavatus), Ramaria (see R. botrytis), Turbinellus (see T. floccosus) |
| | | | Family: Lentariaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Lentaria (see L. micheneri) |
| | | Order: Hymenochaetales |
| | | | Family: Hymenochaetaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Coltricia (see C. cinnamomea), Inonotus (see I. radiatus), Onnia (see O. tomentosa), Phellinus (see P. gilvus), Porodaedalea (see P. pini) |
| | | | Family: Schizoporaceae |
| | | | Family: Uncertain |
| | | | | Genera treated: Rickenella (see R. fibula; also possibly in Agaricales) |
| | | Order: Hysterangiales |
| | | | Family: Gallaceaceae |
| | | | Family: Hysterangiaceae |
| | | | Family: Mesophelliaceae |
| | | | Family: Phallogastraceae |
| | | | Family: Trappeaceae |
| | | Order: Phallales |
| | | | Family: Clastulaceae |
| | | | Family: Clathraceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Aseröe (see A. rubra), Blumenavia (see B. rhacodes), Clathrus (see C. ruber), Colus (see C. pusillus), Ileodictyon (see I. cibarium), Laternea (see L. pusilla), Pseudocolus (see P. fusiformis) |
| | | | Family: Lysuraceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Lysurus (see L. mokusin) |
| | | | Family: Phallaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Itajahya (see I. galericulata), Mutinus (see M. elegans), Phallus (see P. impudicus), Staheliomyces (see S. cinctus group) |
| | | Order: Polyporales |
| | | | Family: Cerrenaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Cerrena (see C. unicolor), "Spongipellis" (see S. unicolor) |
| | | | Family: Cystostereaceae |
| | | | Family: Fomitopsidaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Antrodia (see A. juniperina), Buglossoporus (see B. quercinus), Daedalea (see D. quercina), Fomitopsis (see F. pinicola), Fuscopostia (see F. fragilis), Ischnoderma (see I. resinosum), Osteina (see O. obducta), Pycnoporellus (see P. alboluteus, Rhodofomes (see R. cajanderi) |
| | | | Family: Grammotheleaceae |
| | | | Family: Grifolaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Grifola (see G. frondosa) |
| | | | Family: Laetiporaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Laetiporus, Phaeolus (see P. schweinitzii) |
| | | | Family: Limnoperdaceae |
| | | | Family: Meripilaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Meripilus (see M. giganteus) |
| | | | Family: Meruliaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Bjerkandera (see B. adusta), Gloeoporus (see G. dichrous), Irpex (see I. lacteus), Phlebia (see P. incarnata), Podoscypha (see P. aculeata), Steccherinum (see S. ochraceum) |
| | | | Family: Panaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Panus (see P. conchatus) |
| | | | Family: Phanerochaetaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Climacodon (see C. septentrionale), Hapalopilus (see H. nidulans), Mycorrhaphium (see M. adustum), Phlebiopsis (see P. crassa) |
| | | | Family: Podoscyphaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Abortiporus (see A. biennis) |
| | | | Family: Polyporaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Coriolopsis (see C. gallica), Cryptoporus (see C. volvatus), Daedaleopsis (see D. confragosa), Favolus (see F. brasiliensis), Fomes (see F. fomentarius), Ganoderma (see G. sessile), Globifomes (see G. graveolens), Hexagonia (see H. hydnoides), Lentinus (see L. tigrinus), Lenzites (see L. betulinus), Microporellus (see M. dealbatus), Neofavolus (see N. alveolaris), Nigroporus (see N. vinosus), Perenniporia (see P. ohiensis), Polyporus (see P. squamosus), Poronidulus, Pycnoporus (see P. cinnabarinus), Pyrofomes (see P. juniperinus), Trametes (see T. versicolor), Trichaptum (see T. biforme), Tyromyces (see T. chioneus) |
| | | | Family: Sparassidaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Sparassis |
| | | | Family: Tubulicrinaceae |
| | | | Family: Xenasmataceae |
| | | Order: Russulales |
| | | | Family: Albatrellaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Albatrellus (see A. cristatus) |
| | | | Family: Amylostereaceae |
| | | | Family: Auriscalpiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Artomyces (see Artomyces pyxidatus), Auriscalpium (see A. vulgare), Lentinellus |
| | | | Family: Bondarzewiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Bondarzewia (see B. berkeleyi), Heterobasidion (see H. annosum) |
| | | | Family: Echinodontiaceae |
| | | | Family: Hericiaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Hericium |
| | | | Family: Hybogasteraceae |
| | | | Family: Lachnocladiaceae |
| | | | Family: Peniophoraceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Peniophora (see P. rufa) |
| | | | Family: Russulaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Arcangeliella (see A. desjardinii), Lactarius, Lactifluus, Russula, Zelleromyces (see Z. cinnabarinus)
| | | | Family: Stereaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Aleurodiscus (see A. oakesii), Stereum (see S. ostrea), Xylobolus (see X. frustulatus) |
| | | Order: Sebacinales |
| | | | Family: Sebacinaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Helvellosebacina (see H. concrescens), Sebacina (see S. incrustans), Tremellodendron (see T. schweinitzii) |
| | | Order: Thelephorales |
| | | | Family: Bankeraceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Boletopsis (see B. leucomelaena), Hydnellum, Phellodon (see P. confluens), Sarcodon (see S. imbricatus) |
| | | | Family: Thelephoraceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Polyozellus (see P. multiplex), Thelephora (see T. terrestris) |
| | | Order: Trechisporales |
| | | | Family: Hydnodontaceae |
| | | Order: Tremellodendropsidales |
| | | | Family: Tremellodendropsidaceae |
| | | | | Genera treated: Tremellodendropsis (see T. tuberosa) |
| Subphyllum: Pucciniomycotina (rusts . . . see Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae) |
| Subphyllum: Ustilaginomycotina (smuts . . . ) |
Phylum: Chytridiomycota (aquatic fungi . . . ) |
Phylum: Glomeromycota (endomycorrhizal fungi . . . ) |
Phylum: Microsporidia (spore-forming parasites that lack flagellae . . . ) |
Phylum: Zygomycota (various saprobes, parasites, and others . . . ) |