Major Groups > Polypores > Spongipellis pachyodon |
Spongipellis pachyodon [ Basidiomycota > Polyporales > Cerrenaceae > "Spongipellis" . . . ] by Michael Kuo This polypore looks more like a toothed mushroom, since its "pores" are typically eroded and tooth-like. Its white to dull yellowish fruiting bodies can be found spreading across the trunks of oaks and other hardwoods, often developing clearly defined caps, but also frequently consisting more of a spreading "tooth surface" than cap. Spongipellis pachyodon causes a white heart rot in living trees throughout eastern North America. Description: Ecology: Parasitic on oaks and other hardwoods; causing a white heart rot; annual; growing gregariously or in shelving or fused clusters; summer and fall; widely distributed in eastern North America. Fruiting Body: Variable: sometimes merely a spreading pore surface; sometimes with a folded-over edge of a cap; sometimes with poorly to well developed caps. Cap: Up to about 5 cm across and 5 cm deep; planoconvex to flat; very finely velvety, becoming bald; white to dull yellowish; sometimes finely radially grooved. Pore Surface: Creamy white to dull yellowish; not bruising appreciably; composed of flattened tooth-like spines and irregular, angular pores; spines to about 1 cm deep. Stem: Absent. Flesh: Whitish; soft above and tougher below. Odor: Not distinctive. Spore Print: Presumably white. Microscopic Features: Spores 5-6.5 µ; smooth; globose; inamyloid; thick-walled. Cystidia absent. Hyphal system monomitic; clamp connections present. REFERENCES: (Persoon, 1825) Kotlaba & Pouzar, 1965. (Saccardo, 1888; Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1987; Phillips, 1991/2005; Lincoff, 1992; Binion et al., 2008.) This site contains no information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms. |
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