Colorado Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis) [ Trees > Conifers > Pines . . . ] Forest Type: Upper Sonoran
by Michael Kuo Habitat: Usually in arid foothills, at about 4,500-8,500 feet in elevation; in pure (but not dense) stands, or mixed with Gambel oak and Colorado juniper. Stature: 10-40 feet high; trunk to 2 feet in diameter; with an irregular, scraggly crown. Needles: In bundles of 2 (rarely 1 or 3); 1-2 inches long; dark green to bluish green; stiff and sharp; curved toward the twig. Bark: Gray and plate-like, with reddish brown areas showing through furrows. Cones: 1-2 inches long; roundish or oblong; scales thick. |
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