Gambel Oak (Quercus gambelii) [ Trees > Hardwoods > Oaks . . . ] Forest Type: SW Desert / Ponderosa Zone
by Michael Kuo Habitat: In arid regions of the southwestern Rocky Mountains; often mingled with ponderosa pine at lower elevations. Stature: 25-35 feet high (often smaller); to 1 foot in diameter; with thick, erect branches; with an open crown. Leaves: 3-7 inches long; with 7-9 rounded lobes; thick; dark green above; paler green and finely hairy below. Bark: Grayish; composed of loose plates. Acorns: To 3/4 inch long; enclosed about halfway in a scaly cup. Frequent Mushroom Associates: Paragyrodon sphaerosporus; Pycnoporus cinnabarinus; and many others. |
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