Major Groups > Mycotrophs > Syzygites megalocarpus |
Major Groups > Oddballs & Misfits > Syzygites megalocarpus |
Syzygites megalocarpus [ Zygomycetes > Mucorales > Mucoraceae > Syzygites ... ] by Michael Kuo This mold is a parasite on many mushroom species, colonizing their surfaces with yellow fuzz that becomes bluish or gray as it develops. Unlike some species of Hypomyces that completely engulf their victims and often transform them beyond recognition, Syzygites megalocarpus usually leaves its victim recognizable. Common victims include members of the Lepiota Group (especially Leucoagaricus americanus and Macrolepiota procera), Calvatia cyathiformis, and various boletes. But Syzygites megalocarpus is not picky about its victims, which have been documented from more than 65 different genera in the United States, so it should be expected on virtually any mushroom. Description: Ecology: Parasitic on diverse mushrooms; widely distributed in North America. Fruiting Body: A fuzzy mold covering the victim's surfaces; yellow becoming bluish or gray. Microscopic Features: Sporangiophores septate, dichotomously branched up to 6 times, with sporangia at the tips. Spores 5-35 µ; round or irregular; surface roughened. REFERENCES: Ehrenberg, 1818. (Kovacs & Sundberg, 1999; Lassøe & Lincoff, 2002.) Herb. Kuo 08240601. This site contains no information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms. |
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Cite this page as: Kuo, M. (2006, October). Syzygites megalocarpus. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: |