
Big-Toothed Aspen (Populus grandidentata)

[ Trees > Hardwoods > Poplars . . . ]      Forest Type: Boreal


Similar to Quaking Aspen but restricted to northeastern North America; leaves semi-oval and pointed, with large, blunt teeth; bark whitish to yellowish, becoming furrowed near base of tree.

by Michael Kuo

Habitat: Typically in pure stands or mixed with Quaking Aspen, in clustered groves; often colonizing burned or clear-cut areas and growing quickly and thickly; growing in northeastern North America.

Stature: 30-70 feet high; to 2 feet in diameter; with a rounded crown; branches slender.

Leaves: Semi-oval, with a blunt point; 2-4 inches across; green, turning yellow in fall; with fairly large, rounded-off teeth; thin; firm; stems to 2 inches long.

Bark: Thin; more or less smooth; whitish or yellowish; typically becoming furrowed for about 3 feet at the base of the trunk (see illustration).

(References consulted)

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Populus grandidentata

Populus grandidentata

Populus grandidentata
Fall Leaves

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Kuo, M. (2003, August). Big-Toothed aspen (Populus grandidentata). Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: