Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine) |
This is one of my favorite trees. I love the amazing, spreading shapes that ponderosa pine can produce, and I love its deep orange, furrowed bark. Found in western North America, ponderosa pine is a denizen of middle-elevation, transition ecosystems. It creates spacious, dry forests and may be our continent's best tree for listening to the "wind in the pines." Because ponderosa pine (sometimes called "yellow pine") inhabits dry ecosystems, often below the daily onslaught of high-elevation afternoon rains in monsoon season, it takes a particularly wet year to bring out mushrooms in abundance. Mycorrhizal mushrooms associated with ponderosa pine include an unnamed, orange version of Europe's Amanita caesarea, Boletus barrowsii, Hygrophorus speciosus, several species of Russula, Suillus kaibabensis, Suillus wasatchicus, and others. Saprobic mushrooms decomposing ponderosa pine wood or litter include Fomitopsis cajanderi, Gymnopus perforans, Leucopaxillus albissimus, Neolentinus ponderosus, Porodaedalea pini, and Xeromphalina cauticinalis. |
Kuo, Michael (March, 2022). Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine). Retrieved from the website: All text and images © , |